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El lema en las gradas del Camp Nou. «Més que un club» (en castellano «Más que un club») es el lema principal y más representativo del Fútbol Club Barcelona a lo largo de su historia, que expresa la pretensión de trascender su condición de club de fútbol para ser la institución deportiva más representativa de Cataluña y uno de sus mejores embajadores.

Mes que un club Barcelona club motto meaning & history in Catalan independence
In an attempt to answer that question, for me " Més que un club " is a value proposition. It is a historical and cultural connotation. It's a fact. Just like our history, our club's motto.

FC Barcelona launches international campaign commemorating the 50th anniversary of its slogan
Més Que Un Club porque lo formamos MÁS DE 144.000 SOCIOS que tomamos grandes decisiones democráticamente. Porque juntos es como mejor encontramos la excelencia tanto en el ámbito deportivo como en el de gestión.. BARCELONA. Més Que Un Club porque sin renunciar a nuestras raíces de BARCELONA, a nuestra catalanidad y a nuestra cultura.

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And the reason that the fans believed is because this is Barcelona. This is 'Mes Que un Club', or 'More Than a Club'. If any club in the world could realise such a comeback, it was this club. The.

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50 years of 'more than a club'. It was on 17 January 1968 that president Narcís de Carreras first used the famous expression in his acceptance speech. We take a look back at the curious history.

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MÉS QUE UN CLUB. Cada dia ens entrenem per ser els millors i transformar el món en un lloc millor, no només imaginant un futur més pròsper, sinó fent-ho realitat. Títols. Som més que un equip de grans estrelles, més que un camp ple de somnis, més que els gols que hem marcat i els títols que hem guanyat al llarg de la nostra història.
What Does “Més que un Club” Mean? Barca Blaugranes
MÉS QUE UN CLUB. because we spend every day working hard to be the best and to make the world into a better place, by not only imagining a more prosperous future, but by really making it happen.

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All the official information of the FC Barcelona Supporters' Clubs. Agrupació Jugadors.. MÉS QUE UN CLUB. More than a club. Feature. 29 Nov 99 We are more than a team of great stars,

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We are more than a team of great stars, we are more than a stadium full of dreams, we are more than the goals we've scored and more than the trophies that.

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Il y a 45 ans, la célèbre phrase du Président Carreras "Le Barça, Plus qu'Un Club" a été prononcée pour la première fois. Manel Tomàs. 03:00pm jeudi 17 janv. Club. 17 janv. 13. Narcis de Carreras était un libéral et catalaniste, choisi Président du Barça par acclamation le 17 janvier 1968.

MORE THAN A CLUB MORE THAN VOICES. The Club its made up of the MORE THAN 144,000 MEMBERS who make the big decisions democratically, because working together is the best way to ensure both sporting and managerial success. MORE THAN WINNING OR LOSING. When we play we want to win, but without sacrificing our OWN STYLE OF PLAY. MORE THAN A GOAL

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The year 2018 brought with it the 50th anniversary of FC Barcelona's famed slogan, 'Més que un Club' ('More than a Club,' in Catalan), four simple words that, over the years, have.

Barcelona Mes Que Un Club Wallpaper by optimumvectorART on DeviantArt
The name 'Més' has been inspired by Barcelona's motto Més que un club or 'More than a club'. More than a club - that is what FC Barcelona stands for, or at least that is what we are.

Més que Un club FM Scout
Barça is "quelcom més que un club de futbol" ("something more than a football club"), was the slogan used in the build up to the elections that were eventually won by Lluís Casacuberta. Gamper, the key. At the same time, the roots of 'more than a club' go back much further. It was an idea first induced by club founder Joan Gamper.

FC Barcelona Més que un club Season 2015/2016 Promo YouTube
By Mark White. published 20 March 2022. Barcelona have a motto in 'Mes Que Un Club' that means far more than just the words "more than a club". (Image credit: Getty) The official Barcelona motto.

"Descubre la apasionante historia del FC Barcelona en la UEFA Champions League a través de un documental que revela el renacimiento del equipo tras años de d.
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